CV & Motivational Letter Writing

Need help crafting
the perfect CV and
motivational letter?

Prepare your CV for your Jobcenter appointment

Our team helps you to revise your CV to best highlight your experiences and skills for your appointment at the Jobcenter when applying for an educational voucher. Struggling with writing a convincing motivational letter? Our team is also here to support you with our free writing service.

Start your new career

We offer free CV workshops

We regularly offer free workshops to help you craft the perfect CV and motivational letter. Not only will this help you secure your Bildungsgutschein, but also be highly valuable when you begin your job search after completing your educational programme. Head to our event page to find an upcoming workshop to attend!

CV workshops

What is the Match Talent process?

Get in contact with us
Take part in our 1:1 counselling and improve your CV
Attend your Jobcenter appointment with a Buddy
Obtain your Bildungsgutschein and take your course!

Book a call with us